it has been a roller coaster week for me...
minus of the part of moving up slowly... coz i only have 5 more days to get OUTTTTTTTTTTTT... from the building.. .hahahaha...
The work... has been quite fun for me... coz you know, having that kind of feeling that you are getting freeeeee~ and looking at the rest of them that gonna be stucked at there for !@#@%#$$&#$ god knows how long... :) may the force be with you people..
Anyways... it has been longggg since i last touched basketball.. eversince i got myself into the deep shyt~ working till 7 and reaching home around 8 or 9pm everyday... Not until i asked for day leaves last week.. and i hit the court in style, just to find that.... i was the only stooge at the court... Machicken! niaputttt! btw... Niaputt is the word that i learnt from the workplace... and and.. we converse in cantonese.... how professional~ *clap... clap...*
and soon... 2 more fella joined me on the court.. and that made us.. the 3 stooges on the court! at least i am not the only one....
it felt good and SYIOOOKkkkk to hit the court again... good old times when we used to squat at the side of the court.. waiting our turns to play.. oh wells... good old times...
the weird thing was... the 3 stooges, aka we, were discussing about movies on the court....
"ehhh Lee, watched New Moon arrr.??? "
"yeaaaaaaaa... you???"
"gf wanna watch... i have to watch larrr... "
They call me "Lee" on the court.... hehehehe... and another conversation...
"ehh guys, my fren 23 years old getting married edi... "
"why laaa so kan ciong... "
then i went ... "2012 coming maaa... "
*burst into laughters*
then i started asking them to borrow more money to have fun before it comes... and they asked....
"if never come den how... "
"den maa really 2012 in our own version lo... "
kinda true... in cantonese.. it's called... "HAI LATTTTtttttttttttttttt" LOL...
If next time you all need med, you all can ask me and my baby for the consultant...
of coz it was not given by ONE doctor.. you think that doctor having Med Giveaway ka!? doink...
she went to see 3 doctors in a week's time...
It was until Friday i mentioned to her, that she has seen 3 different doctor, with different races... muhibahh sial~ One Malaysia... One Hope.. One buck short... kantoi...
My baby suffered a severe throat infection that required her to be given an injection on the visit with the 2nd doctor... It was quite late when we visited the medical centre...
and her first time... given to the malay nurse... poor bum bum~ XD obscenity! hahaha..
good thing is, she now has the knowledges on all the medicines that she has tasted... *Stare at medicine* and my baby is recovering!
wait la k baby... after you recover... i bring baby eat good food ya baby... mwaaaa... she has a list of food that she wants to eat... go visit her blog to see wat she wanna eat... hahaha...
I heard about part time worker before... but i have not come across...
I saw one particular fella... waving this white thing and blowing whistle directing the traffic when i was on my way to work.. i couldnt help but to take a pic of him~
the best part was, he was directing the cars to go THATTT way, when the road is actually a ONE day road and only can move THISSSS way....
i think he needs to go for training...
And and the day after that, i saw him again... and i dunno where he come up with his own uniform, with the bling bling xenon flash light reflection top and continue directing traffic...
and there is this pakcik, that will be at the masjid jamek station, playing the skin gendang, and sing his own version of songs, mainly about the country.... bad things tho....and he has lotsa audience.. hahahaha...
weird people to be at the weird place...
Oh wells... i got forced and half willingly, followed my team for the...
yeapsss... team outing... haihss... nothing better to do one... i was dman rushing as i was from Bangsar, around 1030 to meet up with the agency people... and 1100 reach the masjid jamek to take train to Bukit Jalil, so that my colleague can pick me up... FUhhhhhhhhhhh wat a long and tiring journey...
as required, we were all wearing this uniform...
and there was this Ultimate Band Challenge thingy on at the The Mines... of all the place.s.. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
We werent jumping around la k... got lotsa photos taken and all laaa...
saved my energy for the 1st activity... Scavenger Hunt, where we were required to hunt down the items and the words in the list... find them around the mall and take pics as evidence...
It was crazy and we were running and racing against the time... oh wells... our own version of Amazing Race... but not that amazing one.. :)
and i left halfway... went to FOS to get the short pants... and walkeddddd without knowing the direction of the KTM station... i walked quite alot that day... and dead tiring... >.<
and i spotted this mamak and i bursted out laughing....
hahahha... done berrandom...
I spotted this dude in the train.... and i took his pic to show baby ....
"Yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... even he has Dslr..........."
That's about it... :)
P/s : i miss you baby... i love you so much... hehehe
P/S: i smell food.....
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