Thursday, November 5, 2009


few weeks ago...

i had this random dream...

really really random...

**********************in the dream************************

I vividly remember that i was at a dinner with my baby...

and suddenly there were alot of her friends that sit around us...

i couldn't remember any of them...

but i know Audrey Lee is in the dream...

Coz in the dream, in the middle of the dinner...

She suddenly asked everyone if we wanna see something...

As an icebreaking session or somewhat...

so we gathered around...

so she took 2 straws from the table...

She joined them up together into a loop, pulled one end and released into the air..

The straws were plunged into the air and as soon as it was released into the air, it turns into Bird! okayss that's super random...

And then that attracted us and we were bugging her to teach us...

***********************woken up from the sleep*******************************

"WTF... Audrey?!"


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