Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas fiasco

it's has been longgggg since the last update... i mean days oni la.. weeks maybe.. i dunno~ forgot.. well everything is still alright, other than a few things that i hope to turn to be ok in no time :)

well, it's my day off today, which is so obvious coz if not, i wont be that free to post an update here.. -.- spend the morning at One utama, shopping for presents~ and i burnt 600 hundred buxxx~ LOLs... well it was funnn.. in a way.. lols..

and One Utama is not that fun anymore when comes to bumping into frens that we know.. one after another... -.-

1st friend that i bumped into... Charmaine Liew Kaye! i know u dun like ur full name but i still remember it tho.. haha.. it has been years since i last saw her at Taman SEA sch.. my junior that used to kacau me... -.- prefect kononnyerrrr~ ahaha.. and how dare u forget my name! -.- nvm forgiven if i get my christmas present! hehe.. happy working!

2nd friend that i bumped into, Joey-dunno-wat's-the-surname.. The junior from SMK Kelana Jaya that play basketball with me~ a stupid fella that raised up his hand up high in the shop he is working at when i walked pass and i was wondering which fella would raise his hand so that ppl could smell his armpit -.- and he works at the DC superhero shop! anyone fancies stuffs there? i will bug him for discounts~

3rd and 4th friends, dunno wat's their names but they r from the same university as i am~

well.. enough la deyhhh.. next person i am gonna bump into is some superstar or prime minister

and working has been dead tiredddddddddd... arrange stocks, rush for sales, constantly working full and no day off... haihs.. when la gonna be 30th of dec.. i am gonna quit the job by then... weee..

the other day at work,

my staff : Hoii Lee(they all call me that), tengok depan, ada ah moi sexy...
me : *turn around to look*... *and silent a while..* Hoiii... itu pondan la! lelaki la!
my staff : harrrr?? aduhhhhhzzz... cilakaaa... aku ingat ah moi...

see.. i told yaa Giant KJ got lotsa aquaaa~ ahahaha

christmas is just around the corner. to those that are celebrating it, Merry Christmas! have a joyful gathering and a festive day! to those that are not celebrating it, go out and enjoy. :)

I wont be celebrating it again, working laaa.. haihs.. well.. at least i could wish ppl around me to enjoy the day since i cant right.. :) Merry Christmas everyone...


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